Schlaf Kindlein schlaf Hier findest du den Text, Akkorde und Noten from
The lullaby “Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf” is a popular German folk song that has been sung to babies for generations. It has a soothing melody that helps babies fall asleep quickly. If you are a guitar player, you might want to learn how to play the song on your guitar so that you can sing it to your little one. In this article, we will provide you with the notations and chords for “Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf” on the guitar.
The Notations
To play “Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf” on the guitar, you will need to have the notations. Here are the notations for the song: ``` E |--------0--------0--------0--------0--------| B |-----1--------1--------1--------1-----------| G |---------------------------------------------| D |---------------------------------------------| A |-----------------0--------2--------3--------| E |---3--------3--------------------------------| ``` The above notations are for the first verse of the song. To play the remaining verses, you will need to repeat these notations.
The Chords
If you want to make the song sound more interesting, you can add some chords to it. Here are the chords that you can use: ``` C G7 C G7 C G7 C G7 C ``` When you play the chords along with the notations, the song will sound like this: ``` C Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf, G7 C Der Vater hüt't die Schaf, G7 C Die Mutter schüttelt's Bäumelein, G7 C Da fällt herab ein Träumelein. G7 C Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf, G7 C Am Himmel ziehn die Schaf. ```
Tips for Playing the Song
If you are new to playing the guitar, you might find it challenging to play “Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf” at first. Here are some tips that will help you: 1. Practice the notations slowly: To play the song accurately, you need to practice the notations slowly. Take your time to get comfortable with the finger placements. 2. Focus on the rhythm: The song has a unique rhythm, and you need to pay attention to it. Count the beats out loud as you play. 3. Use a metronome: A metronome is a device that helps you keep time when you play music. You can use a metronome to practice the song at a steady pace.
“Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf” is a beautiful lullaby that is a favorite among German parents. If you want to sing the song to your little one, learning how to play it on the guitar can be a great idea. With the notations and chords provided in this article, you can start practicing the song today. Remember to take your time and practice slowly, and soon you will be able to play the song with ease.
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